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My mission is to help others embrace the chaos that surrounds us and to thrive from it.

diˈvōSHən (devotion)

diˈvōSHən (devotion)

diˈvōSHən (devotion)
Ink on Polymer Surface
9in x 12in

To love
And to be loved
Is the worlds most powerful force
To have each other’s backs
And keep each other on course
You are the source of my desire
My love for you will never tire
Your brilliant mind ignites a powerful fire
One full of adoration
That takes me higher
Our hearts full with laughter
And souls brimful with passion
I will love you until death
And every single day after.

- e.m

SHe(ə)r (sheer)

SHe(ə)r (sheer)

kōhl (kohl)

kōhl (kohl)